Once again, a Nintendo Direct has come and gone, giving us a look at some of Nintendo’s upcoming slate for 2019. And while there were some notable absences (happy to take some Animal Crossing news anytime there, Uncle Ninty), there was plenty to react to and get excited for.
This time around, instead of just recapping the Direct’s news, we here at TYF have decided instead to try giving a more personal touch to all the news. Presented below are the best reactions to reveals that happened during and immediately after the Direct because, well, they’re funny! Check out the whole presentation above if you haven’t, and enjoy our gut reactions, coming directly to you from our group chat:
On Nintendo kicking off the Direct with Super Mario Maker 2’s reveal:

Fire Emblem: Three Houses looks good, but…


Life just isn’t fair sometimes:

Nintendo fans are impossible to please:

Typing is hard:

When there’s a brand new IP onscreen and you must scream:

But very few things bring people together like The Legend of Zelda:

If you like this commentary, be sure to follow TYF’s Twitch channel for more: https://twitch.tv/theyoungfolks