*SPOILER WARNING For Marvel’s Spider-Man*
Marvel’s Spider-Man has been out for nearly three weeks now and it is already a monster hit for both Sony and Marvel after becoming the fastest selling Playstation exclusive title in history with 3.3 million units sold in its first three days of release. Since launch, many have worked their way to 100% sweet sweet Platinum completion and with that comes the ability to unlock and use all of the different suits and abilities this Peter Parker has in his arsenal. There was a healthy batch of expected and surprise additions from the Iron Spider suit in Avenger’s Infinity War which was announced at E3 earlier this year, to the vintage comic book suit which makes Spidey look as if he was literally lifted from the pages of his comic book.
The whole collection included with the base game impressed me more than I could have hoped for, but there are still a few notable omissions that make me wonder what Marvel and Insomniac Games have in store for the DLC packages coming out later this year. Below is a list of the top 5 suits I’d love to swing around New York City in the most.
5. Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield Film Suits

Insomniac Games was very generous to the MCU in terms of suit representation by giving us both the Iron Spider suit from Avengers: Infinity War and the Stark suit from Spider-Man: Homecoming. Those suits looked phenomenal in the game and often dominated my own playtime, but I, personally, would still like to see more representation of Spidey’s film history. Especially Maguire’s first iteration “The Human Spider” prior to Campbell providing his self marketing with a little jazz.
Say what you will about the Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield Spider-Man films, the suits they wore in each film looked great. Splashing those suits onto Insomniac Games’ Peter Parker would give them a fresh feel and remind us of the awe we had when the first live action Spider-Man came onto the big screen in front of our eyes.
4. Superior Spider-Man

With Otto Octavius ending the game as the primary antagonist, it seems like Insomniac Games has a unique opportunity to share a homage to one of the most celebrated stories in Spider-Man’s recent comic book history. For those that are unfamiliar, it is a tad complicated to explain, but Peter Parker and Octavius switched bodies in a battle, Peter died while in Otto’s body, and as a result, Otto vowed to become a Superior Spider-Man and with that vow came a dedication to creating an improved suit, and aesthetically replacing the blue of Peter’s original costume to black while adjusting the look of the spider symbol and the eyes in addition to countless technical improvements.
3. Ultimate Spider-Man

It was announced ahead of time that Miles Morales, the ultimate universe Spider-Man, would be a part of the story in this game, but no one knew the scope of his inclusion. Playing as Miles for a few missions and watching him get his powers was a small, but key highlight in a game full of many that made this element of the story truly memorable. Saying that, I would love to see Miles’ version of the spider-man costume entered into the game.
It might seem like a long shot especially considering that Miles showcasing his new abilities was the final cut scene of the game and Insomniac could be setting up a bigger role for him in a second game. But by having both Miles Morales and Peter Parker have spidey powers in the same universe, Insomniac could include Miles’ Ultimate costume in a DLC pack and then redesign his suit for this universe in the second game, much like they did for Peter with the Advanced suit.
2. Neversoft’s Spider-Man
Before Insomniac Games even had the green light to start development on their Spider-Man game there were only a few of the countless released that were legitimately regarded with affection over the years. The main one that fans tend to go to is Spider Man 2 for the PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube (Not the PC version!); but the title I always returned to with the most fondness was Neversoft’s Spider-Man for the N64 and PlayStation. Visually and Graphically it does not hold up in any way, but the bright blue included for this suit contrasted with the traditional red would make for a eye popping experience on the PS4.
1. Venom

I know, I know, the state we leave Harry Osborne in is unconscious in what looks like a bacta tank with the symbiote, and Bryan Intihar, creative director for Spider Man PS4, has said on numerous spoiler filled podcast episodes that a Venom skin was not and will not be included in this game because the character deserves representation on a much grander scale, but hear me out.
The Venom film with Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock is coming out in little over a week and for both Sony and Marvel games to not insist that something of note gets added to the game seems inconsistent with the marketing strategies of both entities. And with that in mind, what is a new trend in Superhero or franchise filmmaking that Marvel Studios started with Iron Man in 2008? The post credit scene/tease, or in the video game sense, the post main story tease. Perhaps the final DLC drop planned for December includes a tease for the Venom storyline to be told in a sequel game and with that tease comes one final suit unlock. If that were to happen, fans would be flipping, literally, all the tables.