STAR 3×03 Review: “A Family Affair”

Karma is the hottest new club on STAR, thanks to Noah Brooks signing up as…

Dynasty Season 2 Premiere Review: “Twenty-Three Skidoo”

The mighty Carrington empire on The CW’s Dynasty has survived to reign another day. After…

Supernatural 14×01 Review: “Stranger in a Strange Land” Finds a New Way to Tell the Same Story

Supernatural is no stranger to missing brothers or kidnapped friends. Hell, it’s done angel possession…

Big Mouth Season 2 Review: More of Everything

Like many shows before it, Big Mouth has taken its second season as an opportunity…

Titans Review: First 3 Episodes are Filled with Highs and Lows

Despite what some of the new trailers will have you believe, Titans is still very…

The Flash 5×01 Review: “Nora” Breathes New Life into the Show

After an uneven season four, The Flash is back with a balance of heart and…

Doctor Who 11×01 Review: Jodie Whittaker is Remarkable as “The Woman Who Fell to Earth”

Was there ever any doubt? Jodie Whittaker fell from the sky onto a broken down…