Dreams being intertwined with reality has been a subject of Adventure Time for a while, and…
TV Reviews
TV Review: Girl Meets World (2×08) “Girl Meets Hurricane”
Topanga’s Café: after much chicken clucking from Riley and Maya, Shawn caves and gives Maya…
TV Review: Orange Is the New Black (3×05) “Fake It Till You Make It Some More”
The fifth episode of season four involves Daya meeting Pornstache’s mom, MCC creating a new…
TV Review: Killjoys (1×01) “Bangarang”
This is a show, by its very nature and aesthetic, that is meant for the…
TV Review: Orange Is the New Black (3×04) “Finger In the Dyke”
One of my personal favorite characters is Big Boo, so I was excited to see…
Steven Universe 2×12 Review: “We Need to Talk”
As I suspected in yesterday’s review of “Keeping It Together,” the concept of fusion continues…
TV Review: Orange Is the New Black (3×03) “Empathy Is a Boner Killer”
“Empathy Is a Boner Killer” is an episode largely about drama class and the bad…