The poltergeists may be evil, but the rich families of Horseshoe Bay are savage! Aunt…
TV Reviews

‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ premiere review: Sam & Bucky get much-needed focus
Marvel’s television shows are the perfect setting to handle the fallout of the “blip” from…

‘Big Brother’ Canada 9 Week 2 Review: The Sunsetters controlled the week
The outcome of Big Brother Canada 9’s Week #2 was up in the air right…

‘Big Brother’ Canada 9 Week 1 Review: The game has become Survivor
Big Brother Canada couldn’t stay away for too long! Big Brother Canada 9 opened its…

‘WandaVision’ 1×9 review: “The Series Finale”
After eight episodes of WandaVision, the finale is finally here. In this last episode of…

‘Nancy Drew’ 2×6 review: “The Riddle of the Broken Doll” expands Nancy’s career prospects
Box #12 came to torment the streets of Horseshoe Bay on this week’s Nancy Drew.…

‘WandaVision’ 1×8 review: “Previously On” explores Wanda’s motivations
Unlike every WandaVision episode that came before, “Previously On,” the penultimate episode of the season,…