TV Review: Girl Meets World (3×06) “Girl Meets Upstate”

Maya and Riley are in the midst of running away from home, riding the subway…

TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×07, “He’s Gone”

A few running storylines have emerged as the most important ones in this first season…

TV Review: Big Brother 18 (Round #2 & 3)

A wise person once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat…

TV Review: Outlander Season 2 Finale – “Dragonfly in Amber”

Welcome back to our TV coverage of Outlander book two. Read our past reviews and recaps…

TV Review: Dark Matter (2×02) “Kill Them All”

“Kill Them All” had too much going on. A lot of the subplots fell through…

Battlebots Chat: Episode 2×03

For this season of Battlebots, The Young Folks’ music editor Ryan Gibbs and staff writer…

TV Review: Orange Is the New Black Season 4

Like the viewing experience of Orange Is the New Black season 4, the act of writing about…