Comic book movies are Hollywood’s cash cow, so it seems odd that television is only…
TV Features
Five people that should guest star on Empire
It’s become vital to the show to have guest stars. At this point it’s still hard to tell if the unlimited amount of guest appearances will cause the downfall of Empire, but right now, it seems to be the only fun aspect of the show.
Five things we’d like to see in season six of Shameless
I’ve spent much of the last few years singing the praises of Showtime’s Shameless and complaining about…
Five Teen Wolf Characters We Need to Return
Who else is getting sick of the newbies? If you’ve been following my coverage of…
Five Things We Want to see in Teen Wolf Season 5B
Having a strange feeling of deja vu? Well, that’s because we’ve done this before. However,…
TYF’s 15 Favorite New TV Shows of 2015
When drafting our year-end Best of 2015 lists, we noticed the bigger than usual presence…