Top 20 Netflix Shows of All Time

You are not alone if you’re starting to feel the weight of the streaming boom.…

The CW’s Best Shows: Ranking the 2016-17 Season

Thanks to The CW’s deal with Netflix, the latest seasons for the network’s slate of…

5 Things The Flash Needs More Of In Season 4

As the door on season 3 of The Flash closes, we look forward to season 4 and the 5 things the show needs more of.

Queens Landing Special: Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer Reaction

Winter is finally here! Welcome to a special episode of Queens Landing, an all-girls GAME…

5 Things Riverdale Needs More Of In Season 2

With the first season of Riverdale out of the way, here are the five things Riverdale needs more of to be better in season two.

The lingering effect of Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why

Spoilers for season one of 13 Reasons Why lie ahead… It’s been about a month since I…

Supergirl: How James Olsen Has Been Wronged

When people discuss Supergirl within the framework of the superhero genre, it’s hard to applaud…