The aptly titled episode, “The Search,” has Claire on a mission to find Jamie, who was taken prisoner during a Red Coat ambush at the end of last week’s episode. Despite being the same length as previous episodes, “The Search” had a very epic (and long) feel to it.
TV Review: The Big Bang Theory 8×24, “The Commitment Determination”
The first frame of last night’s season finale shows Amy and Sheldon kissing in the…
Ranking This Season’s New Shows
Ranking the 2014-2015 TV season As the summer approaches, another fall to spring TV season…
TV Review: Bob’s Burgers (5×18) – “Eat, Spray, Linda”
For much of “Eat, Spray, Linda,” we’re watching awful things happen to Linda on, of…
TV Review: Younger 1×07 “Broke and Pantyless”
Josh is in a band, you guys. He’s a hipster tattoo artist living in Brooklyn…
TV Review: The Royals (1×08) “The Great Man Down”
THE SITUATION: THE KING HAS BEEN STABBED After an injured Simon is discovered, the family…
TV Review: The Flash (1×21) “Grodd Lives”
Oh, look. Look at what happens when you give Candice Patton anything to work with…