In House of the Dragon Episode 4, “King of the Narrow Sea,” things get a…

Mad Men Men S1E9: ‘Shoot’ [Podcast]
We’re back from Mamie’s funeral, so don’t call us Cutups. This week, special guest Katey Stoetzel joins…

‘Big Brother 24’ Weeks 6-9 review: The truth about Kyle rocks the house
Did anyone imagine the first half of the jury phase would turn out this way?…

‘Stargirl’ 3×02 review: “Frenemies – Chapter Two: The Suspects” opens old Justice Society of America wounds
The list of suspects is growing by the day on DC’s Stargirl. Who murdered The…

House of the Dragon After Show S1 E3: “Second of His Name” [Podcast]
This week, House of the Dragon gives us whiplash. The Targaryens go hunting and continue…

Mad Men Men S1E8: ‘The Hobo Code’ [Podcast]
Ciao, ciao. We’re taking a break from the bowling team this week, and all our…

‘Stargirl’ season 3 premiere review: “Frenemies – Chapter One: The Murder” teases a Starman power struggle
There’s murder afoot in Blue Valley and only the Justice Society of America can figure…