We are currently living in the age of “peak” television. There are just so many…
“Adele Live in New York City” NBC Special: Review
The NBC special “Adele Live in New York City” began the way any Adele fan…
Missing Genuine Sci-Fi Programing? Tonight Is Your Night!
As the regular television season begins its winter hiatus, many channels will soon start to air special programming to keep us entertained until all of our favorites come back. Fortunately for sci-fi fans, SyFy isn’t making us wait quite so long.
TV Review: Brooklyn Nine Nine (3×10) “Yippie Kayak”
Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.” To catch up on…
TV Review: The Royals (2×04) “What, Has This Thing Appear’d Again Tonight?”
THE SITUATION: Makin’ Changes Our royal friends are making some changes in their lives this…
TV Review: The Big Bang Theory 9×10, “The Earthworm Reverberation”
It’s finally happened! Sheldon and Amy are finally back together, and it looks like they’re…