THE SITUATION: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TWINS! Mandy/Samantha throws our favorite royal twins the child’s birthday party…
Top 5 “New Girl” Episodes
In preparation for the Season 5 premiere of Fox’s New Girl coming the fifth of January, here are…
TYF’s 15 Favorite New TV Shows of 2015
When drafting our year-end Best of 2015 lists, we noticed the bigger than usual presence…
TV Review: The Expanse 1×03 “Remember the Cant”
The second episode of Syfy’s new series, The Expanse, picks up right where the last episode left off, suggesting we’re going to be thrust right into the action. And since action was kind of what the setup heavy premiere lacked, this was definitely a good sign!
TV Review: The Royals (2×05) “The Spirit That I Have Seen”
THE SITUATION: LIES, LIES, EVERYWHERE Helena finds out the truth about Alistair, but then lies…
TV Review: Childhood’s End Episode Three “The Children”
Twenty years have passed since the Overlords first arrived. It’s the golden age of man, and all is right with the world. Except, we need conflict, damnit!