Reverse-Flash – One of The Flash’s primary enemies, Reverse-Flash gets joy from making Barry’s life a living hell. Part of the reason Eobard Thawne ran back in time on that fateful night Barry’s mom was murdered wasn’t to kill Nora, but to kill Barry’s younger self. He’s enjoyed the immense satisfaction of seeing Barry suffer. By altering the time line, Barry has kidnapped and kept Thawne locked up. But he’s alive! Which means The Flash’s greatest foe will be back in a larger capacity to wreak general havoc. And he won’t only be appearing on The Flash, but he’ll also be appearing on Legends of Tomorrow as part of The Legion of Doom.
Why is this a good thing? Reverse-Flash is everything The Flash isn’t. Within Flashpoint, Reverse-Flash asks, “Who’s the villain now, Flash?” After all, Barry’s warped time and so the question of villainy is an intriguing concept. Since Thawne will be sticking around, who knows what kind of craziness and devious plots he’ll concoct. Whatever it is, it will be immensely fun to watch unfold.