We recently got our first death of season seven – Elliot Rollins, or whatever his real name is. But that was by no means the most shocking or emotional of deaths that we have seen on the show thus far.
We created a list of the biggest (or most impactful) deaths on Pretty Little Liars, but you will notice two very big omissions – Alison DiLaurentis and Mona Vanderwaal – both of whom were important for the series (especially Alison’s – which is the point of the entire show) but both were revealed to be alive – so I’m sorry, no fake outs allowed.
1. Maya St. Germain
Emily’s first love (other than Alison of course) was murdered by her stalker, Lyndon James after she rebuffed his advances. We never saw Maya’s body but we can assume that she is no longer roaming around Rosewood, but her death hit a nerve with Emily who was still in despair over Alison’s ‘murder’.

2. Bethany Young
Pre-show, Bethany Young was a fellow Radley patient with Charles/Cece Drake, she was tricked into wearing the same outfit as Alison and was buried alive by Melissa Hastings. She was the one who was buried in Alison’s grave and who the authorities believed was Alison.
3. Cece Drake
Season 6B began with the release of Cece Drake, Big A, who tortured and tormented the Liars for years, and she barely got to taste her freedom before she was murdered. And now there is another A, Uber A, who is trying to find out who exactly killed Cece.

4. Darren Wilden
If there was ever a death that I could not wait to happen it was the death of the crooked cop, Darren Wilden. He met his end in Season 4, and was done in by Big A herself, Cece Drake.

5. Jessica DiLaurentis
Alison’s mother was buried alive just like her daughter was in Season 5, however, it was later discovered that someone gave her pills to stop her heart. Cece revealed that she and her Big A team had nothing to do with Jessica’s murder, but then who did? This is still an open mystery and will likely be solved by the end of Season 7.

Who do you think will join this list in Season 7? Let us know in the comments below.