Top Moments for LGBT Visibility on ‘The Fosters’

7OIDDhB-6Zw.market_maxresThe Fosters has been a great show for LGBT visibility and showcasing that differences should be celebrated and embraced because everyone deserves respect and everyone deserves love. Here are some highlights from the show that I love because they explore the nuances of some great LGBT characters and their journeys.

[tps_header]The Evolution Of Jude[/tps_header]


Jude has probably been one of the characters that has evolved the most on The Fosters. His growth and complexity isn’t just due to the fact that he is a boy growing into a young man. It is very much due to the writers’ ability to create a character that feels deeply and understands much more than it might seem. Jude has grown from a scared kid to one that is comfortable in his own skin. A sensitive and loving boy, despite his tumultuous upbringing in foster care, Jude has been someone that has defied “normative” gender roles. The series briefly touched on moments when his former foster-father mistreated him for putting on dresses. Jude’s signature blue nail polish has not made an appearance in quite some time; but it has continued to be a symbol of his friendship with and then love for Connor, his armor in moments when he’s needed strength, and his desire to embrace his differences without having to explain them to anyone. Although Jude has not explicitly defined his sexuality on the show and doesn’t want to, I mean it’s okay he’s only 13, his relationship with Connor definitely places him somewhere under the queer umbrella.


[tps_header]The Youngest Same-Sex Kiss[/tps_header]

Of course another incredible moment for LGBT visibility included Jude and Connor. Season 2 dealt with the growing fondness between the two boys. Connor’s status as school athlete and all around likable guy, allowed him to protect Jude from the bullies who couldn’t accept him the way he was. Jude’s kindness and assurance in him led Connor to realize that his feelings for Jude were much more than just friendship. The results were the youngest same-sex kiss on network television. The importance goes to show that, believe it or not, teenagers have feelings; and they are not “too young” to understand them when those feelings are anything but heterosexual.


[tps_header]The Evolution Of Cole[/tps_header]

Cole has been one of my favorite characters to watch on The Fosters. Callie first met Cole while she was living in the group home, Girls United. From the beginning, the show makes clear the difficulties transgender teens face when not accepted by their families. Cole is a teen transitioning from female to male, but when sent to a group home he is placed in a girls’ home. Cole faces many difficulties due to the fact that he does not have access to the basic resources he needs. The girls in the home refuse to refer to him by his preferred pronoun, he has to go through the pain of binding his chest, and suffers the consequences of buying dangerous drugs to help him in his transition because he does not have access to them otherwise. Two seasons later, Cole has fully transitioned and is happy to show off his scars at the beach. He even puts together a LGBT prom, in the same episode, for kids who don’t follow the “norm” of gender and sexual orientation. Cole’s journey has been beautifully and honestly portrayed by trans actor Tom Phelan, giving even more visibility to trans people in the media.


[tps_header]Stef and Lena[/tps_header]

This list couldn’t end without talking about the matriarchs of the family, moms Stef and Lena. What I love so much about seeing their story over the last three seasons, is to see how honestly their relationship is portrayed and the obstacles they face, day-to-day, as a family. Seeing that this couple loves each other deeply but that they have problems, just like anybody else, is an important thing for other families to realize. From Stef’s struggles with her own internalized homophobia, to Lena’s complicated relationship with Monte, to their trouble with intimacy, cancer and loss, Stef and Lena have endured it all. At the end of the day, they love each and their children and are proud to share that.

The Fosters season four premieres tonight at 8/7 c on Freeform!


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