Empire is well known for their guest stars. With names like Alicia Keys, Kelly Rowland, Chris Rock and Mariah Carey attached, the list is diamond studded. The dynamic of the show may be centered around the Lyon’s, but the brief appearances can cause an uplift in viewers quite quickly. It’s become a phenomenon. The world asks, “Who’s going to be on this season of Empire?” Apparently, they still haven’t managed to get Oprah, but the guest list this season was, and still is, quite hefty. It has become vital to the show to have guest stars. At this point it’s still hard to tell if the unlimited amount of guest appearances will cause the downfall of Empire, but right now it seems to be the only fun aspect of the show.
As for the already weighty list of guest stars set to appear on the second half of season 2 this March, I thought long and hard about the appearances that could actually serve a purpose rather than just for viewers. Take Kelly Rowland’s character as Lucious’s mother, for example. It was a fantastic small guest appearance scattered throughout the first half of the season that was vital to the story telling, and I can only hope that she hasn’t been lost forever.
Click next for the five actors/actresses I believe would be great guest additions to the show.