TV Review: Once Upon a Time 4×15 “Enter the Dragon”


I’ve been waiting for an episode of Once Upon a Time to reel me back in since the second half of the season started three weeks ago. I wanted that feeling I got when I binge-watched it on Netflix. But guys, I’m here to say that last night’s episode did just that for me. Finally!

Okay, so before I break down the episode and tell you my thoughts for it. I have to come back to last week’s Young Folks review I did on the episode. I had said that my prediction on August being the writer of the book was wrong, but I take it back because I totally think he is again. Probably my favorite scene in Once Upon a Time history (not counting the Hook pre Emma ones, because duh guys) was when Rumple brought back August last night. I had a feeling for a while that he’d come back and the more Pinocchio showed up in past episodes, the more I knew that somehow he’d be turned back to August, and yes, I was right. I am so happy about this because August was probably one of my favorite characters. However, he was brought back through dark magic so you know shit might be going down.

Just to recap on that, August has a definite connection to the author, and Regina wants her happy ending and the only way she can get it is by having the author write it in for her. However, now we learn that the queens of darkness want the same thing Regina does, to find the author. Except our villains want to destroy happy endings.

Regina teams up with them as a way to find out their plan and help her hero friends stop them and defeat them. However, it seems like she’s enjoying it a little too much. She actually puts a sleeping curse on Pinocchio and Geppetto so that she could steal Pinocchio and take him to where the queens of darkness have their plan laid out—Regina; that is so evil queen of you. It seems like she’s kind of enjoying being an evil bitch again. Sigh, will the woman ever learn?

On our throwback this episode, we meet Maleficent, back in the days when Regina was young and hated little Snow White for “killing” her man. Regina wants help with magic and meets with Maleficent for the first time. Home-girl is a drunk who gave up after losing something important and also, can’t turn into a dragon anymore (don’t you hate when that happens guys? Ugh, the struggle)

Back in present time, something else happened that reminded me of why I couldn’t stop watching episode after episode of this show. This was another favorite scene from this second half of the season, probably because I was taking extremely aback by it. So, we have “Hook” interrupt Will and Belle’s date and LITERALLY give Will the “I still get jealous” Nick Jonas, death glare and his old pirate dirty talk. I was like yeah they have a not so good past, but why is Hook acting so hateful right now?


Anyway, “Hook” thinks it’s a good idea for him to use his pirate skills and hide the dagger somewhere safe, just in case the queens of darkness come and look for it; Makes perfect sense right? See, “Hook” claims that the dagger is the key to the villains finding their happy ending. At first I was scared guys, like is Hook going to do something bad? No Hook, don’t let me down baby. Then, Belle commands Rumple to come face her–just to make sure that he wasn’t in Storybrooke and no one does show up so she leaves and Hook stands alone with the dagger. Right then I’m thinking, holy shit, Rumple is going to show up and hurt my Hook but nope, turns out Hook wasn’t Hook, instead he was Rumple disguised as Hook. Bottom line is, now that damn Rumple has the dagger and I despise him even more.

It was with the dagger that Rumple was able to turn Pinocchio back into August, which now poses the question; what the hell is going to happen? Will August have answers? Is my prediction about him being the writer of the whole thing correct? Or is there some sort of connection?

I will leave you with this hint of foreshadowing I noticed and see if you could figure it out. In the beginning, Henry is trying to find author clues and at one point looks at a page with a door and insinuates that that door has something to do with the author. There is a definite hidden clue there, my friends.

Who do you guys think wrote the story-book? And is anyone as happy as me about August being back? (Those eyes, am I right?)



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