Big Brother 22 (aka. Big Brother All-Stars) is off to the races! After months of speculation and rumors about the cast, the series kicked off its new season with a 2-hour season premiere on Wednesday night. Part of this premiere included a first for the series: a live move-in of the players and the *official* reveal of the houseguests competing this season. Sure, there have been plenty of rumors about the players, but now the confirmed cast is starting to play the game.
Some of the houseguests are players who have played within the year, while others haven’t stepped into the Big Brother house for over a decade. The cast is a good balance of New School and Old School. So, out of these 16 past players, who has the best shot to win it all?
We have our best guesses based on the houseguests’ past performances, but that all changed after seeing their introduction into the house. Also, we’re taking into account their first-night conversations and alliance-building seen during the 24/7 live feeds. Below, we’ve ranked their odds from the houseguests in need of the most help to those who have the best shot.
16. Kaysar Ridha (Big Brother 6, Big Brother 7)
Kaysar is starting off the season on a bad foot. He’s from the earliest New School season, so many of the casual players aren’t familiar with his history (that matters in a season like Big Brother: All-Stars where players connect on their gameplay styles). But, what is working against him the most are two factors: (1) his close friendship with Janelle, and (2) his inability to connect with Cody, the HOH.
The houseguests have already expressed their fears over the Kaysar/Janelle pairing, so they might nominate them to break it up. Still, if Janelle does avoid the nomination block, Kaysar has to contend with the fact that he’s not made any inroads with Cody or most of the New School players. Kaysar doesn’t seem to have made any of the pre-game connections to help him now.
15. Janelle Pierzina (Big Brother 6, Big Brother 7, Big Brother 14)
Similar to Kaysar, Janelle is facing many of the same challenges. Her partnership with Kaysar has brought her to the forefront and made her a big target due to the pairing. Also, any pre-season connections she might have with the houseguests don’t seem to be strong enough to make a lasting connection. Is she close with people like Cody, Tyler, and Nicole F? That is left to be seen as all three have mentioned her name.
Janelle’s biggest problem, however, is her legacy. (She’s freaking Janelle!) Janelle has played the game three times and made the Top 3 twice, so the history isn’t working in her favor. The odds of her winning Big Brother: All-Stars, let alone making it to the end are low … as much as I wish she’d stick around longer.
14. Ian Terry (Big Brother 14)
Is Ian unprepared to compete on Big Brother: All-Stars? The sad truth is he might be. His awkward and fearful nature might be an act to lower everyone’s guard, but he’s forgetting a big red flag: he’s won the game before! The performance could buy him a week or so; however, his being a past winner will more than likely prevent him from winning this season. He’ll need to make epics moves and sit beside someone who is hated. Though, will he get that far? Probably not.
13. Keesha Smith (Big Brother 10)
Keesha being this low on the list hurts, especially since she’s been a requested houseguest for over a decade. What’s working against Keesha so far is that she’s from an Old School season and she’s been playing a quieter game this time around compared to her Big Brother 10 performance. Why is she not campaigning to Cody? Why is not building the new relationships needed to stay around? It’s still early, but Keesha’s name is being thrown around as a possible early nominee since Cody doesn’t know her. If she doesn’t pick up the pace and make deals quick, she could be an early boot.
12. Memphis Garrett (Big Brother 10)
Memphis is another case where he needs to pick up the pace. He has his bonds with the Old School players, but it’s the connections built with the New School players that will make or break his time in the house. Memphis is playing a quieter game and doing a lot of reminiscing; it’s still early and he could start making the key moves later on. However, he’s falling into an outcast alliance that could work against him if some of the New School players want to target the more physically strong houseguests they’re not close within the house.
11. Nicole Anthony (Big Brother 21)
Nicole is one of the newer houseguests, so she hasn’t had years of connections made with the veteran players. She does have some history through her podcast, like potential tension with Nicole F and Daniele (that is all speculation as of now). Nicole could slide her way to the end or fall in with a tight alliance. However, she’ll have to contend with the fact that Nicole F wants to be the only “Nicole” in the house and that she didn’t create strong pre-game alliances like her fellow houseguests. Right now, Nicole is looking more like a potential future pawn than the eventual winner of Big Brother: All-Stars.
10. Christmas Abbott (Big Brother 19)
So far, Christmas has taken a different approach than her time during Big Brother 19: she’s calm, building connections, and not jumping into the fray quickly. If she can stick to this level-headed style, her time in the Big Brother 22 house could prove successful. Shedding her terrible image from her controversial season is imperative! The problem, however, is that Christmas is a strong physical competitor who could be perceived as too much of a threat. She already won $5,000 out of sheer luck, so the others now have more of a reason to get her out. That check combined with her competition threat and past history makes the outlook grim.
9. David Alexander (Big Brother 21)
David never actually played Big Brother. Sure, he quickly assessed the game when he returned for the Camp Comeback twist, but he never played the game to its full extent. David could be outmatched competing against houseguests with the skills and history to take them far. Why isn’t her farther down the list? David is a wildcard that could help or hurt his chances in the game. Depending on what deals he makes, David might have a Cinderella redemption story of the season.

8. Nicole Franzel (Big Brother 16, Big Brother 18)
Nicole is the second winner to compete on Big Brother 22/Big Brother: All-Stars, so her odds of winning again are already tough. These houseguests seem more likely to favor voting for a new winner than awarding a previous winner. However, where she differs from Ian is that she has more bonds waiting for her in the house. Daniele and Cody are just two of the houseguests who have a past with her, and Nicole seems deadset on playing the game hard to justify her first victory. As of now, Nicole has a better shot of making it to the end compared to Ian; though it’s still too early and anything could change. Could she snag a victory? It’s an uphill battle … but depending on the jury members, she might have a few friends willing to help.
7. Bayleigh Dayton (Big Brother 20)
Bayleigh has entered the game with a new outlook on Big Brother. Maybe it was her time during The Challenge or just looking back on the season, but Bayleigh has sworn to play the game differently this time. She’s repaired her friendship with Tyler, so that improved her odds of winning considerably, and she has strong connections with a few other players, like Da’Vonne. On the other hand, Bayleigh loves to talk; she’s already started talking game with a few others, including a questionable session with Cody (why talk to Cody about Tyler?!). There’s a path where Bayleigh can win Big Brother: All-Stars; she has a lot of potential. However, if things deteriorate with Tyler or if people turn on her, that shift could hurt her chances.
6. Enzo Palumbo (Big Brother 12)
Enzo has a lot to prove since coming out of a successful secret alliance that took him all the way to the Top 3 his original season. He’s playing with a calmer head and he has plenty of charisma. Enzo’s chats with the others have fostered laughter, which is important in the early weeks since people love keeping around those they like to hang with. If Enzo can keep this up, he has a shot to make it far. Though, being an Old School player will make it tougher to win challenges and connect on a deeper level with some of the newer houseguests. Buiding bonds will be essential to getting the protection and jury votes needed.
5. Tyler Crispen (Big Brother 20)
Tyler is a competition, social, and strategic beast! If given any momentum, he could easily steamroll through this game with ease. (Seriously, final two alliances are thrown at him!) Tyler has repaired his past with Bayleigh, he’s made a close deal with Cody, and he’s built a few deals/connections with many other players. Tyler is already insulating himself nicely in the Big Brother: All-Stars house. As of now, if he were to make it to the end, he could win the game.
Let’s not forget, however, that this is Tyler! Tyler isn’t competing against other newbies this time around; the other 15 players know his gameplay style and how much of a threat he is. Tyler will have a harder time making it to the finals this year. You never know, his Week #1 alliances might fall through by next week; it’s still too early.
4. Kevin Campbell (Big Brother 11)
Kevin is an underestimated threat that could win it all. A tiebreaker at Final 3 took away his shot from winning his original season, but from what we saw the first time, he knows how to make strategic plans and build alliances. Based on the first two days, Kevin is fostering relationships and reaffirming his connection with players he knows from outside of the house (Kevin is someone who still keeps connected in the Big Brother community). While he’s close with his fellow Old School cast, he needs to build bonds with players like Tyler and Cody. There are two paths for Kevin’s game: (A) joining a tight alliance that dominates and moves forward, or (B) he becomes a pawn and targeted in a filler week. The paths are close, so it’s anyone’s guess.
3. Cody Calafiore (Big Brother 16)
Winning the first HOH helped Cody’s game this season, but it’s not the reason why he’s this high on the list so early. Cody has used his time as HOH to foster new connections (Tyler), reaffirm pairings (Nicole F), and connect with his fellow players on a personal level. Cody is a charmer and could easily snatch the win if he makes it to the finals. He’s a competition threat; that allows him to win safety, but it paints a huge target on his back. Cody also has a tendency to work with only guys and form strong male alliances, so that mentality could make him a huge focus to get out. Cody has the potential to win the game, but as one of the two most physical threats in the house, that makes him a huge threat to keep around.
2. Daniele Briones (Big Brother 8, Big Brother 13)
Dani is a strategic threat – one of the biggest threats competing this season. Did you see her intensity outside of the house? She is in it to win it this time. Based on her pre-package, Dani has learned from her mistakes and is ready to fix her faults to claim victory. Her and Nicole F have a close connection, and she’s open to connecting with players like Da’Vonne. Only one person has mentioned her name, but someone has pushed for her safety this early on. Dani is a great mix of hero and villain, so depending on how she plays this season will determine if she gets far or if her scheming blows up in her face. Due to her sheer focus to win and her past ability, her odds of winning are pretty high.
1. Da’Vonne Rogers (Big Brother 17, Big Brother 18)
What a day it would be if Da’Vonne won! Out of the current houseguests, Da’Vonne has the best odds to win it all. The houseguests love her (only Nicole F has a bad history with her), the fans love her, and she makes great TV. The goodwill of the fans might help to carry Da’Vonne a few weeks as people know how much she’s loved by the viewers. Da’Vonne’s connections will help to build easy alliances, and if she were to make it to the finals, she could win them over with her social game (she’ll also need to build a strong strategical game on her resume). Similar to Bayleigh, Da’Vonne loves to talk; if she can control her progression and her interactions with the others, Da’Vonne will have improved over her past mistakes.
Who do you think will win Big Brother: All-Stars? Share in the comments below!