Things are coming down to the wire for the first season of Celebrity Big Brother. Conversations have shifted from getting to know each other to becoming chats about who they should be sitting next to at the finals. There is no bigger decision to make, and if done wrong, this poorly executed move could ruin your entire game. The last full week sent three houseguests out the door; everything from this point on will be a mad dash to naming the final two and the winner of the first season of Celebrity Big Brother.
If there was ever a pain point about this spin-off series, it would have to be the celebrities wanting to quit so much. Why was Metta desperate to leave? By the time of his eviction, he only had a week left to go before the finals. People take vacations longer than this away from family and friends – his homesickness shouldn’t have been this severe! We saw the same desperation occur for Keshia back in Week #2 and while that was also frustrating, she at least had a reason for why she was begging to leave. Metta, while funny and chill, wasted a spot from someone who would’ve wanted to stay and play this game. Heck, Shannon would’ve jumped at the chance to take his place.
The VIP Veto was an interesting twist in theory. When used by the right person in the right situation, this power could shake up the game and save an alliance in need. Unfortunately, we never got that moment as Ross only saved himself. I would be open to seeing this power come back; it has the elements to do some serious damage. The VIP Veto didn’t lend itself to the celebrity version, but for a regular season, this could be a power that houseguests would fight tooth and nail over.
Similar to what I mentioned in the review for Week #2, Ross is playing a dangerous game. He has alliances with every side of the house and people are working with him to make the big moves. His game is very similar to Andy’s game from Big Brother 15. However, now that everyone is catching onto his game style, Ross is in trouble. He couldn’t hide forever and his recent nomination showed that the others view him as the biggest threat around. His best move at this time is to continue to win challenges and finally choose a side to align. He’s all over the place and it’s making him look shady. Plus, his negative commentary could lose him the season.

Brandi vs. James was the Big Brother feud we all needed. Her hatred of him, and his disdain for her, was all personal. You could set up a peace-keeping moment between these two and it would still lead to a war by the end of the night. Having the both of them be evicted one after the other during the double eviction was poetic. Neither could live in the Big Brother house without the other; their lucked depended on each other. If there was a downside to this double eviction, it would be that we didn’t get to see the goodbye message that Brandi filmed for James a while back. She teased that it was vicious – we need to see this footage!
Though, between both of the players, Brandi was the houseguest who shot herself in the foot. She took every opportunity that could’ve kept her in the game and threw it out the window with her sharp retorts and negativity. Between her, Ariadna and Marissa, Brandi had the least chance to win the season. Marissa is a non-threat and Ariadna is a social and physical game dynamo. No one should be sitting next to her or Marissa in the end, but yet Brandi got the boot. Her eviction goes to show that sometimes you do need to have a social game to be kept around, even if you’d technically be the “goat” in the final two.
James, on the other hand, was a huge threat regardless. He was one of the strongest competitors still left in the house and he had close alliances with Mark and Ross. After catching a lucky break during Week #1, his days were still always numbered. Kudos to him for making it as long as he did.
Omarosa has a good shot to win Celebrity Big Brother. She’s winning competitions, she’s showing people her genuine side, and all of her nefarious strategic moves are on brand to the character we already know. She has all the ingredients to be a strong winner. However, her potential to win the game depends on two factors: (1) If she can actually make it to the end, and (2) if her houseguests are willing to vote for someone who worked for Trump. This is not a regular Big Brother season with regular players – this is Celebrity Big Brother and image is everything. These evicted houseguests are watching the season from home, so anything could sway them to, and away, from someone. I’m curious to see the reasoning for why the players would and wouldn’t vote for her.

With only a few days left until the finale, the odds of the five houseguests winning are up in the air. The two biggest threats to win right now are Ariadna and Mark. The houseguests LOVE Ari and she’s a competition threat; you’d be foolish to sit next to her. Mark is the silent underdog who has great relationships with all of the eliminated and current players. Omarosa is the wildcard because of the two factors above. And Marissa is too much of a non-threat that she could go either way depending if people like her or if they’re still mad with her by working with Ross.
Speaking of Ross, he has an uphill battle. He’s burned a lot of bridges with the moves he had and the bad words he spoke about Shannon and Keshia. The evicted players got the chance to watch the season as it aired, so if a revelation was made at the finale, the others will look at Ross in a bad light. It’s going to be a challenge – I can’t wait to see how it turns out.