Well, things definitely turned upside down pretty quickly during the second of week of Celebrity Big Brother. A majority of the alliances, deals and rivalries from the first week went right out the door as these celebrity houseguests flipped the game yet again. A change of this magnitude does not normally happen during a regular week of Big Brother. As viewers, we see the subtle build up before someone makes a move and all hell breaks loose. In this instance, the house flipped and there were new targets made, as well as new targets forged.
Shannon had no chance to win Celebrity Big Brother. She was THE biggest target in the house and it kept growing every day she was there. The challenge wins worked against her, the performance in those challenges (she really didn’t need to spell “Responsibilities!”) made her a threat, and her super-fan knowledge of the game caused others to fear her. Her only chance to stay would’ve been to have trustworthy allies protecting her, but this is Big Brother after all, that’s almost impossible. Her days were numbered – it was only a matter of when. Though, her elimination will set the standard for what not to do when you enter: Don’t play too hard too fast, and don’t take things too emotionally for your entire time on the block.

Though, we have to give Shannon credit for spotting when her game was over. All of her past Big Brother knowledge correctly pinpointed that the house was against her and she was going to be the next target. Some players don’t realize a blindside is coming and it’s a devastating blow when it happens (poor Chuck!). It’s unfortunate that she took the game personally when she got backed into a corner; her emotions took over and she refused to see the game moves made against her.
Shannon calling out her former allies about their reasoning for betraying her was brilliant. This is a game move you don’t see many players have the backbone to do. Regardless of any reason Brandi, Ariadna, Marissa or Ross could muster, she had a retort and debate ready to go. In many regards, she was right about everything – it’s better to have her work with them and be the bigger target. However, she was still a threat and there’s nothing that would’ve changed their minds. Her spot as the third eliminated was a miracle in and of itself and surprising that it didn’t happen sooner.
The biggest surprise alliance that’s running the house is Brandi and Ariadna. These two players are secretly controlling everyone and making big game moves – it’s baffling at first, especially when you consider their character archetypes (the reality TV socialite and the beauty queen). I will admit that I had pegged them as early-to-mid boots; they didn’t seem like players who would actually play the game for what Big Brother had to offer. In actuality, Brandi and Ariadna orchestrated Shannon’s elimination and shook up the house with new alliances. They deserve all the credit for taking the leadership.
Ross should watch his back going into the third week. He’s playing a sneaky game; his actions are catching the eyes of his fellow houseguests and they know he’s not to be fully trusted. He quickly turned against Shannon, Omarosa and Keshia – it was one of the reasons why the women’s alliance blew up as fast as it did. If he had taken the time to survey the house for the house, he would’ve realized that keeping Shannon in and the women together was the smarter option for his place. Now with the physical threat gone, he’s the biggest STRATEGIC threat around. The outlook doesn’t bode well for him.
Do you think Omarosa exaggerated her asthma attack? Her coughing fit coincidentally started around the same time she lost the Head of Household competition during the week when her houseguests flipped against her. And, Julie Chen not-so-subtlety shaded Omarosa with a cough during one of the live shows. This had to be a nod to the villainous queen of reality TV faking it for the cameras.

Hopefully she doesn’t leave anytime soon. Her strategic gameplay is keeping the houseguests on their toes and as a viewer, these are the types of moves that make the season’s progression interesting. She had no reason to spill to James that the alliance had turned against him; she was only causing drama for the sake of drama. But, her words planted the seeds of doubt and with a little time, it will blow up in Ross’s, Marissa’s, and Brandi’s faces. Plus, we continue to get truthbombs about what happened during her political career. Who wouldn’t want to hear what she has to say next?!
Keshia’s eviction during the first half of Week #2 was confusing at first. The edit didn’t fully explain why she was the one booted from the game; the alliance at that point had planned to backdoor Shannon and it wasn’t until Keshia begged (BEGGED!) to be kicked out that the plans changed. I’m not a mother nor have I experienced breast-pumping, so I won’t debate about the severity of her resources depleting for her child. However, as a gameplayer, if Keshia wanted to stay around longer and keep playing, there’s no doubt that CBS and Big Brother would have helped her provide the resources for her child. The network wouldn’t deprive a baby from food. Keshia quit, plain and simple. Still, it was Keshia’s choice to get evicted and we have to stand by her move.
The second week of Celebrity Big Brother erupted in fire and blindsides. Houseguests turned against each other and the last remnants of the women’s alliance have now turned against each other, with Mark, Metta and James stuck in the middle. We’re already halfway through the season and we still have a few more evictions to go before we crown a winner. Who do you think will be the next to go?