Things are starting to fall into place for Deacon while other people’s lives are beginning to fall apart. From Daphne to Juliette to Will, Nashville struggles with certain relationships and proves it hasn’t gotten to a great place just yet.
It’s been awhile since Rayna died, so it’s appropriate for Deacon to “get back out there.” He finally comes clean to the girls about Jessie after Daphne stumbles upon a coffee date between the two. She’s, of course, having a tough time with his new budding relationship.
While Daphne’s character has been a roller coaster of a ride these last few seasons, “Jump Then Fall” finally sheds some light on her behavior. Following Deacon’s revelation that he and Jessie are exploring their relationship and that he didn’t want to mention it until he knew what it was, Daphne reveals to Maddie that yes, she does want Deacon to be happy. However, she hates Jessie and it now feels like their mother is actually gone for good.
It does shed light on how many children who lose a parent feel when the other begins to date again. Maddie is older so it’s easier for her to process what is happening. For Daphne, she’s still young and impressionable so it is normal for her emotions to be all over the place. While her behavior is understandable and a somewhat realistic mirror on how many kids nationwide feel during these situations, it is tiresome to watch.

Another relationship that has been frustrating to deal with is Juliette and Avery. While it seems as though Deacon will never be a hundred percent happy, Juliette and Avery will most likely never stand the test of time. Every time they get to a good place in their relationship something goes wrong. First, it’s her fame, then it it’s depression, followed by a plane crash and then she turns angry and vindictive. Now, it’s her joining a cult-like group.
You have to hand it to Avery, the writers have put him through the ringer. Avery’s character is one everyone hated when the season premiered and he was with Scarlett. Ironically, it’s his relationship with Juliette that makes him a fan favorite. Perhaps because he looks like a saint in comparison to her. Now I just feel bad for him. Nothing can go right and it’s annoying to see that there is always something else to get in the way of their happiness.
That’s been the theme of Nashville for the last two years: no one can be happy. We’ve finally moved on from Gunnar and Scarlett’s tormented romance and now we just have to deal with everyone else’s.
It’s pretty clear the writers are struggling to create a storyline to finish out the series. What needs to happen is to bring in a fresh new face similar to Juliette’s character in the beginning and allow her to be the mentor. They technically tried that with Maddie, but Rayna was still alive so she would interject occasionally. But this time it needs to be made more clear. Juliette obviously needs a pet project and what better project for her than have her do what Rayna did for her.
Maybe by doing this, Nashville will get back on track and finish the way it was supposed to, happy and about the music.