All I wanted for Christmas was. . . more Fuller House. That’s right, Fuller House surprised fans just before Christmas with nine additional 30-minute episodes for season three after the jaw-dropping mid-season finale. Unlike the first half of the season, these episodes packed the nostalgic punch fans were hoping for.
Season 3B begins in Japan right where the mid-season finale cliffhanger left off as the gang prepares for Steve and CJ’s wedding. Steve is debating whether he should tell DJ he overheard her confess her feelings for him. However, the moment he decides to bring it up he catches a glimpse of Matt dropping down on a knee to propose to DJ on top of a Japanese building. Honestly, it’s a very cheesy moment and I cringed.
But the cheesiest of Fuller House doesn’t stop there.
During the wedding, a fish swallows Steve’s wedding ring, prompting both him and DJ to jump over a waterfall to retrieve it. The jump must have knocked some sense into both of their heads because Steve tells CJ he can’t go through with the wedding while DJ tells Matt she can’t marry him.
I’ll take a moment for all DJ/Steve fans to rejoice.
Once the gang is back in San Francisco, things go back to normal for the show. While the kids are being kids in high school, one of the main storylines follows Stephanie as she begins the path to motherhood. She begins to take hormone shots so she and Jimmy can have a baby.

Of course, the writers throw in hilarious and random tantrums here and there, but this particular storyline is one of the sweeter, yet weird, ones in the Fuller House universe. This is mainly because Kimmy becomes their surrogate. It makes her and Stephanie’s relationship come full circle from hating each other throughout Full House to literally being bound for life.
While Stephanie and Kimmy bond in the midst of their newfound closeness, DJ and Steve come to terms with their relationship. They decide to give it a few weeks to let their past relationships air out. Sadly, this means we don’t get to see a lot of Steve during the second half of the season, but he does return when it matters most.
The best episodes of the second half are the two I was expecting during the first nine: the 30th Anniversary of their Dadiversary. The nostalgic magic that is missing from the first half of the season is made up for in the final two episodes.
Episode seventeen is pure nostalgia as the episode follows the actors’ original intros to the song “Everywhere You Look.” As a fan of Full House, it’s hilarious to see the actors recreate their iconic looks from 30 years ago. Although for John Stamos and Lori Loughlin, they haven’t changed a bit.

Steve returns for this episode as it is the end of their “waiting period.” He and DJ are ready for their third first date but the San Francisco smog keeps them in. But have no fear because Jesse, Joey, and Danny come to the rescue. They create a magical, yet ridiculously over-the-top-date right in the iconic living room for the couple.
I didn’t think anything could top the cheesiness of Matt’s proposal, but this scene does and it works. The one thing Full House and Fuller House have been able to accomplish is to make cheesy scenes good. They have me entertained with the fake accents and mustaches. It’s so pure that it’s almost like the original show.
What makes season three so magical is the final episode. This is the one that brings all the feels. Everyone has decided to move back to San Francisco as Becky and Danny lose their gig in LA. Jesse and Joey buy the iconic Smash Club (now a laundromat) for the second time and plan to restore it to its former glory.
Talking about former glory, the creators dropped a massive cameo; they bring back Danny’s old flame, Vicky Larson. If the writers can’t get Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen to reprise their role as Michelle, bringing Gail Edwards back to hopefully rekindle her love for Danny is just as good.

It will be interesting to see how the creators will be able to balance all the actors’ schedules now that everyone will be back under the same roof. The last three seasons have been easier since they were only focusing on DJ, Stephanie, and Kimmy. This new changeup in the storyline is exactly what the show needs to propel it forward.
Here’s to hoping season 4 will bring a much anticipated DJ/Steve wedding (or even Vicky and Danny).