HVFF 2017: This Is Us Panel with Chris Sullivan & Justin Hartley

We made it through the This is Us panel with Chris Sullivan and Justin Hartley during Heroes & Villains Fan Fest on Sunday, December 3rd in San Jose, CA. We may not have needed Kleenex this time but we did need a minute to catch our breath. Chris Sullivan is just as funny in real life as his character Toby. And, did you know that Justin owns his own water company? True! It’s sort of his way of giving back for taking away audience’s tears every week.

Check out what else we learned during their panel:

  1. Whether or not Smallville comes back is in YOUR hands. “If enough people want to see Smallville again? You can make it happen,” says Sullivan. “If one million people want to do Smallville again, we’ll do Smallville.” If you didn’t catch that, he subtly cast himself in the series.

  2. Toby’s “happy dance” was never scripted. It was mapped out very roughly which he did ten times but we only saw ⅛ of the shenanigans.
  3. Chris Sullivan legitimately tries to get the words “This is Us” in an episode. One scene, for instance, when Kevin and Toby are in a taxi to go see Sophie, Sullivan would tell the driver “this is us” but that part never made the cut!
  4. Another thing Chris does is sneak in some Spanish. Every time Toby sees Miguel, Toby will talk to him in Spanish and Miguel will respond in English. Again, this hasn’t made the cut but we do hope to see/hear it in a future episode!
  5. Ken Owens is one hilarious guy… who also directed episodes eight, nine, and ten in a row, which is usually unheard of.

You can listen to the whole panel below and let us know what you think!

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