After five seasons on TV, Orphan Black said its goodbye with a touching sendoff. Fans, and especially Clone Club, have grown attached to their favorite characters, and the clones who made the show so special. One of those such characters was the youngest LEDA clone Charlotte, played by Cynthia Galant.
We got the chance to chat with Galant about her time on the show, her thoughts about the finale, Charlotte’s ending, and her YouTube parodies.
The Young Folks: It’s been a little over a week since Orphan Black ended, how does it feel to say goodbye to the show?
Cynthia Galant: It’s weird. I’m sad the show is over, and I might be able to work with these people again in the future, but you never know. But, at the same time, I’m kinda happy to look back on the episodes and that we finished what we wanted to do, and we’ve accomplished so much on the show. I mean, five seasons is pretty good, but I’m mostly sad that I probably won’t get to work with some of these people again.
TYF: Was there a favorite scene or moment filming with the cast you loved?
Galant: There were a few of those. I love so many scenes in Season 5 when Charlotte and Cosima were trapped on the island. I loved filming those scenes other than the fact that it was really cold outside.
TYF: What do you think of the peaceful ending for all of the LEDA clones?
Galant: I loved it. I think the ending was perfect actually. It was a nice, peaceful ending to end off the show, other than the deaths of a few favorite characters of the fans. I think it was a pretty peaceful ending.
TYF: There were a lot of questions from fans about Charlotte’s ambiguous ending, and Graeme [Manson] in a latest interview somewhat alluded to Charlotte living with Art now. How do you feel about that ending for your character?
Galant: I think it’s…okay. I would’ve preferred to end up living with Cosima, but she’s traveling the world now according to the ending. I think it’s fine.

TYF: It’s funny that you say that because fans hoped Cosima and Delphine would’ve adopted Charlotte…
Galant: I hoped that too! [Laughs] That would’ve been so fun to film. [Laughs]
TYF: For your time on the island, what was Charlotte thinking during this highly intense moment?
Galant: She’s probably a little frightened and really confused. One of her lines when she first comes to the island is, “This place is weird” or “This place is scary.” I think Charlotte thought all the people there were just a little bit insane. She’s probably really confused about what was happening around her.
TYF: Before Charlotte was taken by Neolution, she was with her mother Marion [Bowles]. How do you think she found out about Marion’s death?
Galant: Maybe Susan Duncan told her? I’m not really sure.
TYF: There were similarities between Rachel and Charlotte. If the LEDAs hadn’t have saved her, do you think Charlotte would’ve become the “next Rachel”?
Galant: Possibly. Probably, actually. If the LEDA clones hadn’t saved Charlotte, she probably would’ve become the next Rachel Duncan.
TYF: What do you think made Charlotte different than the other clones?
Galant: One of the main things that made her different was her leg brace, obviously. [Laughs] I think maybe she was a mix of Rachel and Cosima. She had the scientific brain of Cosima, but after living with Rachel, she probably has the sneaky way of Rachel. So, she’s not so much different but sorta a mix between some of them.
TYF: Speaking of Cosima, you’ve had the chance to play the young version of Rachel in flashbacks and videos, was there any other clone you wished you could’ve played the younger version of?
Galant: Krystal Goderitch! For sure, that would’ve been so fun to play the younger version of. But Krystal and Cosima, maybe. That would’ve been cool.
TYF: I think you would’ve done a great job. I did see the “One More Clone” video and you seemed to have a lot of fun playing those characters.
Galant: Yep! That was so fun to film. It took us two days, but it was fun.
TYF: Is there another parody that you would hope to do again with the clones?
Galant: I don’t know. It would be fun, but it would require writing a lot more lyrics, recording a bunch of stuff, and then filming it. And I probably spent more time in the makeup chair than in front of the camera when we were filming that.

TYF: Is there a dream role or field you’d love to act in next?
Galant: That new show that’s in the making – the new Star Trek that’s coming out – that would be fun to do a one episode thing. Maybe when I get slightly older, a show maybe similar to Pretty Little Liars or anything like that, that would be so fun to do.
TYF: Is there a certain type of character you’d like to take on?
Galant: Maybe one of those “comedic villains” on a show.
TYF: Where can fans find you next?
Galant: For now, I’ve just been enjoying my summer, and I’ve gone out for a few auditions for different things. One of the few things that’s coming up for me is lots of homework. Maybe I’ll see what I can do with my YouTube channel.