Dark Matter 3×04 Review: “All The Time In The World”

Three gets stuck in his own version of Groundhog Day. This episode was very well done, showcasing Three’s frustration as he tried to continually convince everyone that he was stuck in a time loop. It was also funny because the viewer was the only one who knew what was going on, and Three isn’t the most reliable, so the crew was less likely to believe him. The best part was that he went through the loop so much that he learned French, but even that didn’t help his case. It ended up being his knowledge about the FTL drive. Another great moment was when he finally helped Five feel better about Six leaving by simply saying that he wants to help and doesn’t know how. There were a lot of great moments in Three’s struggle, and the only issue was that he took too long to realize that he should do everything completely different.

Three finally made peace with Sarah. After visiting her so many times, he eventually wrapped his mind around the whole of idea of what she is now. The best part of their interactions was hearing things from Sarah’s side because she doesn’t know how to deal with this either. How can anyone imagine waking up one day and realizing that they’re kind of still alive, but their body is dead? It’ll be interesting to see what the two decide to do moving forward.

Adrian added more humor to this episode by simply being himself. Watching him trip over and over again, and even getting pushed by Three that one time. Not to mention that he isn’t versed in hand-to-hand combat, so watching him trying to pick a weapon was both sad and funny. Plus, like Three, he’s not the most reliable, but lucky for them the crew believed that the two were stuck in a loop and decided to do something about it.

Ash was a good start to the killers coming the crew’s way. The way he was able to phase through walls was really cool. He even died doing it, which was a cool way to kill him off. Ash also revealed that Ryo wants everyone dead. I personally thought that there might be a rule to spare Five, but Ash quickly put that thought to bed. Looks like the crew is going to have to kill Ryo in the end.

The weirdest part of this episode was the time jumps. They both worked and didn’t work. Since the jumps randomly started happening, it felt odd the way they were placed, but since the episode dealt with time, they weren’t completely left field. The jumps did reveal that there’s a lot of bad stuff heading their way. The Android is seen crying, then being disassembled in a gothic-looking outfit. She then met an older Five who told her how to break the loop, but also that she’s the only crew member left. Everyone else is gone. A lot happens, such as the Fall of the House Ishida and The Android meeting her creator. It’s unclear whether that was the crew’s exact timeline or a slightly different one, but nothing looked good.

Dark Matter airs Fridays at 9/8c on Syfy.


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