The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a remarkable achievement in entertainment history. This vast network of interconnected stories spanning two dozen movies and many streaming shows has become a box-office titan, helping solidify the “superhero archetype” in modern media. Throughout…
Avengers: Infinity War Movie Review: The MCU Delivers Again with a Messy, Beautiful and Shocking Film
At moments, Avengers: Infinity War is an ugly film. From the putrid coloring of Thanos’ (Josh Brolin) skin and burnt oranges and reds casting deadly shadows on far away planets to the dimmed landscape of Wakanda, less vibrant under the…
New Trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2
While some of us may dismiss the Superbowl as being little but an opportunity to celebrate by drinking since noon (responsibly of course) and bellying up to wings, potato skins and artichoke dip, it would behoove us to not mention…
Movie Review: Live by Night
Ben Affleck has proven himself to be a competent director. He usually knows just what kind of look and feel he wants in regards to his films, which is why Live by Night is so hard to swallow. It’s a…
The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Teaser is here! Obviously.
Not much is known about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, the sequel to the fabulous and massively succesul Guardians of the Galaxy, both directed by James Gunn who has brought an exciting energy to the Marvel universe. In the first teaser premiering before…
Star Trek Beyond Trailer is all “boom” and no brains
This was my morning. I woke up to study for some finals, when a passing YouTube thumbnail made me think, “Screw finals… the new Trek trailer is up!” Could this be the one where they finally make these films allegorical?…
Movie Review: ‘Infinitely Polar Bear’
One moment, the person is loving and hyper, but a few seconds later he can suddenly become violent and depressed. These episodes have no pattern, but their effects last far longer than it takes for the person’s mood to change.…