Life is Strange is an episodic series of video game tales created by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix. The first episode, “Chrysalis” was originally released on January 30th 2015. However, it wouldn’t be until October 20th that the…
TV Review: Better Call Saul (1×02) – “Mijo”
Well it didn’t take too long for two-bit lawyer Jimmy McGill to get himself into a sticky spot. Not only that, but he happened to land in the clutches of everyone’s favorite psycho Mexican drug lord, Tuco Salamanca. It turns…
TV Review: Better Call Saul Series Premiere
Following up a television work as critically acclaimed and (later on) popular as Breaking Bad with a spin-off must have been a tricky proposition. Cynical skepticism can run high; why would creator Vince Gilligan go back to the old well,…
New Games Release 10/14/14: Boarderlands The Pre-Sequel, The Evil Within, Telltale’s Walking Dead
Boarderlands The Pre-Sequel People love Boarderlands so much, 2K Australia and Gearbox are giving fans more of what they want with this sort of prequel, kind of sequel. Shooting and looting is the style, with up to four player cooperative…
TV Review: The Strain 1×10, “Loved Ones”
Evan has a problem with The Strain’s wasted potential! *Gasp!* What? Again?! This week on The Strain we have episode 10, “Loved Ones”, providing, in some capacity, what I pretty much wanted in the first place. We have our gathering…
Five Theories To Watch Out For in The Walking Dead Season Finale
Tonight is the night, Ladies and Gentlemen. Terminus has been discovered, Glenn and Maggie have reunited, and Daryl realizes that his new group might be deranged in the head. There have been multiple theories around the internet about what this…