Despite ending almost four years ago, Futurama has continued to be a hit among fans, prompting a new mobile game, Worlds of Tomorrow, to be released a little bit over a week ago. To give some much-needed publicity to the…
The Magicians Season 2 Finale Review: What made year two such a success
When The Magicians first began to air the intrigue was natural for those who hadn’t read the books the series was loosely based on; it was an attractive cast in a fantasy setting described as “sexy Harry Potter”. Who on earth wouldn’t…
TV Review: Supergirl 2×11 “The Martian Chronicles”
Thanks for reading my weekly recaps of Supergirl. To read about past episodes, click here. A few things are on my mind about this weeks Supergirl. Alex and Kara’s relationship will always be the beating heart of the show, no matter what…
TV Review: Supergirl 2×10 “We Can Be Heroes”
Thanks for reading our weekly recaps of Supergirl. To read about past episodes, click here. “Having a nemesis is hard!” I have been a devoted fan and ardent supporter of Supergirl since the beginning. The tone the show has is unlike any…
TV Review: Supergirl 2×09 “Supergirl Lives”
Thanks for reading my weekly recaps of Supergirl. To read about past episodes, click here. “Bring our girl home.” After what felt like an impossibly long hiatus Supergirl is back and, for the most part, it hasn’t lost the credible steam it had…
TV Review: Shooter 01×05 “Recon by Fire”
Things get steamy from the opening scene. Swagger is getting it on and rolling around the floor with his wife. Basically he’s having a secret hookup with his wife. Now, that’s top-secret stuff. Johnson is worried that Memphis might have…