TV Review: The Originals 4×03 “Haunter of Ruins”

This week’s episode of The Originals delves into Vincent’s past, his connection to a terrifying new threat and, of course, in “Haunter of Ruins” we finally get a look at Daddy Klaus. In fact, those moments with Klaus and little…

TV Review: The 100 4×09 “God Complex”

There are two forms of stories taking place in this weeks episode of The 100 (and the last until it returns late April) and it’s a pointed decision by the writers. The first is a story of survival and the desperate lengths…

TV Review: The Magicians 2×10 “The Girl Who Told Time”

Welcome back to my weekly coverage of The Magicians. To read past coverage, go here.    Somewhere in between the back half of season one of The Magicians and now it’s become one of the most consistently entertaining series on television. With an…

The Flash Review 3×18 “Abra Kadabra”

Welcome back to my weekly recaps of The Flash. To read previous coverage, go here. After the delightful musical episode “Duet” I had some fear that this weeks episode would falter in storyline momentum. While “Abra Kadabra” fails to live…

Once Upon a Time 6×14 Review: Page 23

Once Upon a Time really seemed like it was heading towards retreading the same old tired ground, but it managed to pleasantly surprise, if not completely shock. The Evil Queen was back again, Regina once again had to battle her…

TV Review: The 100 4×07 “Gimme Shelter”

There are no moments of reprieve left on The 100 as bad situations gradually become worse until a dire situation becomes simply hopeless. Such is the case in this weeks episode of “Gimme Shelter” as we hit the halfway point of a…

The Flash Review 3×17 “Duet”

Welcome back to my weekly recaps of The Flash. To read previous coverage, go here. The power of love is, on the whole, a pretty dumb concept to base an episode on. However. There are two types of viewers in…