2014 was yet another strong year in television with shows that varied between the new, the returning, the comedic, the dramatic and the superhuman. It was an eclectic year with few themes or any semblance of rhyme or reason aside…
The Best of the Best: Characters Who Rocked TV in 2014
It’s been a great year for television and, similarly to film, has been enjoyably eclectic. With great shows comes great characters (you’d hope) and 2014 was full of them. So here is my narrowed down list of 21 characters who stole scenes this year, in no particular order.
TV Review: The Flash (1×09) “The Man In The Yellow Suit”
With “The Man in the Yellow Suit” The Flash has proven that it can throw quite a punch when it comes to exciting action-sequences, emotional revelations and story progress. Oh, and then there was that reveal. Heads up: Don’t read…
TV Review: The Flash (1×08) “Flash vs. Arrow”
Oh my word what an exciting episode! As a fan of these characters, of superheroes in general really, who loves it when characters come together in organic but fun ways, tonight’s episode Flash vs. Arrow was more than satisfying. Part…
TV Review: The Flash (1×07) “Power Outage”
When last week’s episode aired and the preview for this week followed, I rolled my eye. I assumed this would be a ridiculous filler episode because how else could it not be? The Flash loses his powers? In the seventh…
TV Review: The Flash (1×06) – “The Flash Is Born”
Okay, so silly sepia-toned flashbacks aside, tonight’s The Flash was yet another strong installment in which Barry once again tests the limitations of his powers and Iris is allowed more agency over her storyline and, and, Eddie gets to be…
TV Review: The Flash (1×05) – “Plastique”
This week on The Flash, Barry Allen and the Star Labs crew deal with a woman who can create bombs with a single touch, and Joe and Barry try to convince Iris to quit searching for the Streak. Despite breaking…