“Chickens.” How could one little word be so devastating? After five seasons, it was time to say goodbye to a beloved fan favorite: Mrs. S is dead. Sure, we’ve had deaths happen on Orphan Black before, but it’s rare when…
Orphan Black 5×04 Review: “Let the Children and Childbearers Toil”
Mrs. S and Sarah need to go undercover more often. I didn’t realize how much we’ve been lacking any bonding time between them on Orphan Black for a while now. “Let the Children and Childbearers Toil” forced these two amazing…
Orphan Black 5×03 Review: “Beneath Her Heart”
There has finally been justice for Alison. It took long enough to get here. I wasn’t sure if we would ever see the day, but it finally came in the third episode of the last season. After everything that has…
Orphan Black 5×02 Review: “Clutch of Greed”
Is anyone else’s jaw on the floor?! I can’t believe we just saw that. Orphan Black threw us a big curve ball in the second episode by killing off one of its clones in a heartbreaking way. This might be…
Orphan Black 5×01 Review: “The Few Who Dare”
The beginning of the end is here, Clone Club. What started as the story of one British punk-rocker watching a genetic identical commit suicide has now evolved into a thrilling trip that has spanned five years. Orphan Black’s fifth and…
TV Review: Orphan Black Season 4
I like a trip down memory lane. It’s a reminder of moments passed, those times that truly define a TV series in its early days, but helps to transition the show into the next stage of the story. BBC America’s…