The Best Realistic Science Fiction Films

Science fiction often focuses its attention on the second part of the name, but every once in a while a film looks to the future but grounds itself in harder concepts of what is and is not possible. Here are just a few sci-fi movies that are a more realistic depiction of the future.

Eight Reasons to Watch Sense8 on Netflix

Back in June, Netflix released the first season of one of its latest original series, Sense8. While it’s hard to summarize what this show is all about, that’s also exactly why you need to be watching it. Right now. But…

Ally’s Movie Review: ‘Advantageous’

Every so often a film comes out of nowhere, nearly invisible to the mainstream cinema crowd, and it simply blows me away. Independent cinema isn’t always great, despite what some would like you to believe, and there are just as…

Interview: Natalie Martinez talks ‘Self/less’

We got the chance to speak with Natalie Martinez, one of the stars of the new movie Self/less. The movie primarily focuses on the theme of immortality. What if you had the opportunity to have more time on this Earth to fulfill…

The Film Canon: Total Recall (1990)

When he was at the height of his power, there wasn’t a more enigmatic screen presence than Arnold Schwarzenegger. During the later portion of the 1980s and into the 1990s, Schwarzenegger became a household name and staple of the action…

Tribeca ’15 Interview: “JACKRABBIT” Director Carleton Ranney

Carleton Ranney is a first-time film director from Austin, Texas. After catching a screening of his science fiction hacker film JACKRABBIT, I got in contact with him to discover the thoughts behind some of the crazy machinations of the 80s homage…

The Best Science Fiction Films of the Last 10 Years

I love science-fiction. I love it even more when it’s at its absolute best. In recent years, science fiction has been substituted for dystopian teen dramas or superhero fanfare. While both have their merits (avid superhero fan right here), science…