The Silvered Serpents picks up after a devastating blow is dealt to what’s left of Séverin’s team. Whereas The Gilded Wolves had a hopeful, glamorous energy to it, its sequel is frenetic and icy. Steeped in distress and longing, this…
10 Best YA Historical Fiction of 2019
Historical fiction is an amazing genre that brings truth from the past to us today. It can be heartbreaking and heartfelt — and sometimes it includes a smidgen of magic. There is so much to learn from through the lens…
Review: ARU SHAH AND THE END OF TIME by Roshani Chokshi
Roshani Chokshi’s middle grade debut, Aru Shah and the End of Time, is a book worth adding to your collection. As the first book from the Rick Riordan Presents imprint, which is “designed to elevate the diversity of mythologies from…
Blog Tour: Q&A with Roshani Chokshi
One of the most anticipated fantasy novels of the spring, The Star-Touched Queen, is being released today. As part of the blog tour, I’m excited to feature a Q&A from Roshani Chokshi, the author of this beautiful debut novel. Fate…