Book Review: Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater

Perhaps not the most obvious or logical comparisons, but I ardently believe that Maggie Stiefvater is like sleep. After a while without it (sleep), one starts to believe that perhaps it is not necessary or beneficial. But then sleep comes,…

Book Review: We are the Goldens by Dana Reinhardt

As an hardcore fan of An Education, I expected to We are the Goldens to be right up my alley. Unfortunately though, We are the Goldens was a few wrongturns away from the alley that I was thinking about. While…

Read of the Week: Unhinged (Splintered #2) by A.G. Howard

Alyssa Gardner has been down the rabbit hole and faced the bandersnatch. She saved the life of Jeb, the guy she loves, and escaped the machinations of the disturbingly seductive Morpheus and the vindictive Queen Red. Now all she has…

Book Review: Two by Karl Alexander

One of the main lessons I’ve learned in my childhood but struggle to remember in my adolescence is one about practicality. Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched, we’ve all heard. In my case, don’t get too excited and overshoot!…


*Note by Lauren: I just finished reading Lost in Starlight and could barely put it down. The review will come tomorrow but today I’m thrilled to be able to feature this spotlight on author Sherry Soule* Today author, Sherry Soule…

Book Review: That Night by Chevy Stevens

That Night is the newest novel by Chevy Stevens, whose debut novel, Still Missing, won her the “Best First Novel” title of the International Thriller Writers Awards. While I haven’t read Still Missing, I’ve heard great things about it. I was excited…

Book Review: King of the Forgotten Clubs by Jennifer Recchio

Short stories are meant to entertain us during our lazy summer afternoons when we don’t want to get caught up in television shows or go running outside because it is way too hot. These stories are also meant to feel…