‘Gravity’ proves that, in space, having people hear you scream is the least of your worries. Evan and Ally go in depth on the film.

  Alfonso Cuarón’s ‘Gravity’ seems to have drawn in a huge crowd, raking in over $55 million in it’s first weekend, breaking the record for best release in the month of October. Ally and Evan go in depth about the film…

Top 10 Oscar-Worthy Transformations

How does one separate the actors from the actors? Simple. A true thespian is not one who will shy away from devoting everything – including their appearance – to a role that speaks to them. It goes without saying that,…

Oscar Buzz: We Predict the Nominees

Hollywood is aflutter with anticipation (and in some cases anxiety) over the impending nominations for the 85th Academy Awards. At 5:30 tomorrow morning, the ubiquitous Gangster Squad star Emma Stone and irreverent Oscar host Seth MacFarlane will reveal who’s still…

The Young Folks’ Top 10 Most Anticipated for 2013

While it’s fun to look back, it’s way more exhilarating to look forward. 2013 has a ton of cool things in store for us. We decided to highlight which movies, books, games, TV shows, etc. that were are most excited…

Oscar Buzz: Will Teens Have a Horse in the Race?

It’s that time of year again. The Weinsteins are whining, and the red carpets are rolling! In the enormous mess of DVD promotions, star interviews, magazine spotlights, and blogger rants, it’s easy to forget that the Oscars are no longer…

The Oscar Underdogs: Quvenzhané Wallis and Dwight Henry

Being a fan and annual viewer of the Oscars has its drawbacks. Mainly being that now, months in advance to the actual glitz and glamour of the night, it’s easy to pick who the ultimate winners are going to be.…