Chi-Raq (mostly) successfully combines the over-the-top comedy style of the Greek play with the tragic, rhyming melodrama of a Shakespearean work. The two tones erratically dance around each other, sometimes finding themselves in a complementary step. Throughout the film, their clashing is…
TV Review: Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2×18) “Captain Peralta”
This week’s episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine “Captain Peralta” is another example of why I wish this show could add maybe five minutes to its overall running time. It was a good episode–an exceptional one for Jake’s characterization–but as it ended,…
TV Review: Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2×11) – “Stakeout”
Over the course of what we’ve seen of Brooklyn Nine-Nine so far, the relationships have played a major part in the success of the show, particularly the pairing and grouping of these individuals who wouldn’t ordinarily seem compatible. There’s Rosa and Amy,…