Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, Daredevil. What do these three shows have in common? Well, they are some of Netflix’s highest praised programs to date. Whether it’s the strong performances, comedic wit or intelligent drama, viewers have been flocking to…
Emmys 2016: TYF’s Dream TV Nominees
We’re living in the peak TV era, and with so many options, it seems impossible for the Television Academy to honor all of the best shows – because frankly, there are SO many of them. Like last year, we decided to…
Movie Review: The Fundamentals of Caring
Disability in film can be a very tricky subject to utilize. Sometimes you have features that treat the disabled characters with respect, while also bringing light to the trials and tribulations of their condition. Other times, you have movies that treat…
Streaming Wars: Netflix vs. Hulu Plus vs. Amazon Prime
If you’re like most of us, affording to pay for three streaming services can be hard on the finances. For all three of the top services, it costs over $300 yearly. While it’s nice to have options, it’s not always realistic.…
Watch trailer for Netflix’s new supernatural series “Stranger Things”
Netflix originals have always been more hit than miss, so I have no reason to doubt Netflix’s newest supernatural series Stranger Things just yet, especially based on its first trailer. Creepy music, creepy kids, and a whole lot of mystery…
Movie Review: Bo Burnham – Make Happy
Back when I attended Pennsylvania State University, Bo Burnham was a random name I stumbled upon while scrolling through local comedy shows. I bought a ticket for the event not knowing what to expect, and was incredibly surprised about how…
TV Review: ‘Bloodline’ Season 2
If there’s one thing that made the first season of Bloodline watchable it was the mystery John Rayburn (Kyle Chandler) narrates to us about what the three younger Rayburn siblings did to Danny (Ben Mendelsohn), the fourth sibling and black…