Generally speaking, terminal illness is a pretty safe bet if you’re looking to craft a tear-jerking indie drama. It’s appropriately tragic, reaching its tendrils into nearly every aspect of loved ones’ lives, and, most importantly, it’s all too relatable for…
Private Life Movie Review: Charming but tedious in execution
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is rarely discussed because critics don’t regard it as a “natural birth.” You either conceive your own child or adopt, but god forbid anyone injects shots and meds in their ass to increase their chances of…
Night School Movie Review: An exercise in quantity over quality
There are no sure bets in cinema, especially when it comes to comedy. In order for humor to land properly, all of the pieces have to fall together just so, and no amount of buzzworthy comedians can serve as a…
‘Burning’ Review: Lee Chang-dong’s Newest Masterpiece is Haunting and Magnificent | TIFF 2018
How complacent are we in our ability, or lack thereof, to retain memory in the fashion in which it is materialized? How complicit are we when inability to see past our own desires, our own justifications and belief systems leads…
Destination Wedding Movie Review: Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder shine in dark rom-com/anti-rom-com
Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder are far from strangers. The former ’90s superstars — both of whom have found late-period career revivals with the John Wick franchise and Netflix’s Stranger Things, respectively — have starred in three films together, including…
Searching Movie Review: An interconnected thriller on the interweb
Modern technology is a blessing and an omnipresent nightmare. Often, it depends on how you view it and, more importantly, how you use it. The Internet is rarely your friend, but it can be your ally — whether it’s searching…
Skate Kitchen Movie Review: A vibrant and authentic film by Crystal Moselle
The world of skateboarding, like most spaces typically dominated by male energy, has never been overly accommodating to young women. Even for female prodigies in the field, there are always men waiting somewhere nearby to condescendingly undermine their abilities. It…