The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a remarkable achievement in entertainment history. This vast network of interconnected stories spanning two dozen movies and many streaming shows has become a box-office titan, helping solidify the “superhero archetype” in modern media. Throughout…
‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ premiere review: Sam & Bucky get much-needed focus
Marvel’s television shows are the perfect setting to handle the fallout of the “blip” from Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. The return of half the population after five years gone was mostly played for laughs in Spider-Man: Far From…
‘Cherry’ review: Tom Holland and the Russo Brothers reunite
The Russo Brothers have made themselves known in the film industry, mainly for their work on some of the best films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After gigantic blockbuster films like the last two Avengers films, I was curious to see what…
Captain Marvel Movie Review: She ain’t no Hala-back girl, she’s the MCU’s best
This review contains as few spoilers for Captain Marvel as possible. In October of 2016, a full year and five months before directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck got behind cameras and lead actress Brie Larson in front of it to…
Captain Marvel, Double Standards, and the Pressure Facing Female-Led Films
Captain Marvel marks the first female-led movie within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That’s a strange thing to write in 2019, especially when the MCU has been around for more than ten years, but here we are. Despite this major step,…
Looking Back at the MCU: The Tremendous Highs
Leading up to the launch of Avengers: Infinity War on April 27, television and film writer AJ Caulfield, The Young Folks’ Film Editor Allyson Johnson, and The Young Folks’ Television Editor Mae Abdulbaki joined forces for a three-part Marvel series…
Looking Back at the MCU: The Unfortunate Lows
Leading up to the launch of Avengers: Infinity War on April 27, television and film writer AJ Caulfield, The Young Folks’ Film Editor Allyson Johnson, and The Young Folks’ Television Editor Mae Abdulbaki joined forces for a three-part Marvel series…