Untogether, Emma Forrest’s directorial and writing debut, aims to tell a unified story of people and the relationships they have with each other, but the result is a fragmented plot held together by messy, but well-meaning characters. Andrea (Jemima Kirke)…
Gemini Movie Review: Film is at its best when embracing noir roots
Nostalgia is a cash cow in today’s film market. Audiences are vocal about their love and/or hatred for a variety of throwbacks, from resurrecting beloved television series to attempts to capture film noir. During a Q&A following the AFI screening…
AFI Movie Review: Gemini
Nostalgia is a cash cow in today’s film market. Audiences are vocal about their love and/or hatred for a variety of throwbacks, from resurrecting beloved television series to attempts to capture film noir. During a Q&A following the AFI screening…
Movie Review: AWOL
It really is quite a shame just how detrimental a bad score can be to the overall effect of a film because aside from a few narrative redundancies, AWOL directed by Deb Shoval and based on her short of the same name…
Tribeca Review: AWOL
It really is quite a shame just how detrimental a bad score can be to the overall effect of a film because aside from a few narrative redundancies, AWOL directed by Deb Shoval and based on her short of the same name…
Ally’s Movie Review: ‘Mistress America’
Welcome to New York! While Frances Ha may be on a technical level Noah Baumbach’s best, Mistress America is my personal favorite. Easily his most accessible film while also delving into some absurdest comedy, the two-hander of Lola Kirke and…