Last season, The Last Man on Earth grew into a show that succeeded through its strong ensemble cast; Ironic considering the show title and what we were lead to assume was its premise. The actors bounce off one another…
TV Review: The Last Man on Earth (2×16): “30 Years of Science Down the Tubes”
The best episodes of The Last Man on Earth have always been the ones that are directly related to the show’s brutal post-apocalyptic setting. In a way, the show has been like this all along – all the love…
TV Review: The Last Man on Earth (2×15): “Smart and Stupid”
I can’t help but feel like this week’s episode of The Last Man on Earth feels like two episodes that were smashed together. That’s not necessarily a critique. In fact, I believe that the sudden swerve in the middle of…
TV Review: The Last Man on Earth (2×14): “Falling Slowly”
I’ve said a few times in these reviews that one of the best things about The Last Man on Earth is the weird but loving relationship that developed between Carol and Tandy and in turn, the effortless comedic chemistry between…
TV Review: The Last Man on Earth (2×14): “Fourth Finger”
On this week’s episode of The Last Man on Earth, the Mike and Tandy feud boils over into a cartoonish back-and-forth that while funny at times, feels like the wrong path for this show to go down. At the end…
TV Review: The Last Man on Earth (2×13): “Skidmark”
The unlikely but inevitable reunion of the Miller brothers has been something that The Last Man on Earth has been building to all season. Although it could have been saved for the season finale, the allure of Jason Sudeikis…
TV Review: The Last Man on Earth (2×12): “Fish in the Dish”
Two weeks ago, there was no new episode of The Last Man on Earth because FOX aired Tyler Perry’s delightfully baffling The Passion Live in place of its regular Sunday night lineup. I missed LMOE, but I was willing to wait…