Genre of the Day: Black Comedy “Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder have a scene in “The Producers” where they roll on the floor so ferociously we expect them to chew on one another. Mostel is so manic and barbarian, Wilder so panicked…
‘Jersey Boys’, Behind the Scenes
The hit Broadway sensation, Jersey Boys, has burst its way onto the big screen. Led by Oscar Winning Director, Clint Eastwood, Jersey Boys is not your ordinary musical. A story about love, loss, debt, and loyalty, there is really no…
Ashleigh’s Movie Review: ‘Jersey Boys’ is not your ordinary musical
When one hears the title, Jersey Boys, they may think of the Broadway Musical, or some Jersey Shore spin off. Neither is correct, but the first would be the closest. I have not seen the Broadway musical the movie is…
JERSEY BOYS “Fan Pack” Sweepstakes
I was lucky to see the Broadway show for Jersey Boys years ago. It’s astonishingly entertaining and a very memorable experience. Clint Eastwood decides to bring the famous musical to the big screen in hopes to entertain many others who…
15 Movies You Should Check Out This Summer
It’s summer time, folks! The sun is hot and the movies are even hotter. This is the time of the year that studios look to make the most money so that they can later release all those wonderful award-nominated movies…