Big Brother 18 has found its winner! After more than three drama-filled months (and an endless supply of twists), someone has walked out through the doors with a cool half million dollars. It’s a well-deserved victory for any player to…
TV Review: Big Brother 18 (Round #12 & #13)
The pairs have taken over the Big Brother 18 house. A game where it is SUPPOSED to be every person for themselves has now seen the house mentality shift to couple vs. couple. Showmances. Bromances. Friendships (and everything in between).…
TV Review: Big Brother 18 (Round #10)
The king has been dethroned! A person who once was defined as a “sure thing” to win Big Brother 18 has now become a jury member. If you can believe it, the season has pulled together an enjoyable shift in…
TV Review: Big Brother 18 (Round #7)
What goes around must always come back around; it’s just the way of reality TV life. Karma is the BFF of the Big Brother house–one minute you can be sitting on top, holding all the power and the authority to…
TV Review: Big Brother 18 (Round #5 & #6)
Does a houseguest ever REALLY take advantage of a second chance? Besides winning the opportunity to play the game of Big Brother again in the same season, their return can sometimes be a hit or miss. With all the promise…
TV Review: Big Brother 18 (Round #2 & 3)
A wise person once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” These chilling words, while debatable when applied to most aspects of life, have never felt truer than they have in this season of Big…
TV Review: Big Brother 18 (Round #1)
It’s not a summer without Big Brother. Three months of backstabs, betrayals, and backyard competitions are on the way to crown the latest winner of this year’s season. After the surprise underdog win of Big Brother 17, and the failure…