After seven seasons that aired on three different networks in the span of twelve years, Star Wars: The Clone Wars finally reached its conclusion. What began as a theatrical film in 2008 evolved into a television series that covered a mostly untold…
What Endings Are Made Of: ‘Return of the Jedi’ 35 Years Later
Once upon a time, Star Wars had an ending. Looking back at Return of the Jedi now, with the hindsight of thirty-five years, it almost seems impossible. Even in the early ’90’s when I was growing up, there was Star Wars.…
‘Labyrinth’: 30 Years Later
Even though it is 30 years old at this point, Labyrinth feels very timeless. Thematically, it touches on something that anyone can relate to. We were all teenagers at some point, embedded in a hormonal whirlwind of angst and aspirations. Regardless…
Let’s Talk George Lucas: A Tosche Station/Directors of Cinema Crossover!
This week, Alex Suffolk and Jordan Decker bring in their friend and host of the Directors of Cinema podcast, Matthew Goudreau to discuss the infamous George Lucas. The Young Folks podcast worlds collide, as the three of them dig into…
‘Star Wars’ Goes Rogue: Rogue One Teaser Releases
When Walt Disney Studios purchased Lucasfilm back in 2012 for over $4 billion, a new Star Wars trilogy was immediately planned. Back in December 2015, the world finally got Chapter seven of the universe in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which…