Especially in the peak TV era, there can only be so many shows that survive the proverbial chopping block. Whether they met an untimely end (cancellation) or ended on their own terms, several shows will not be returning in the…
TV Review: Galavant 2×09-10
Galavant’s adventures continue with ‘Love and Death’ and ‘Do the D’DEW.’
TV Review: Galavant 2×07-08
Galavant’s adventures continue with ‘Love and Death’ and ‘Do the D’DEW.’
TV Review: Galavant 2×05-06
Galavant’s adventures continue with “Giants vs. Dwarves” and “About Last Knight.”
TV Review: Galavant 2×03-04
Galavant’s adventures continue with ‘Aw, Hell, the King’ and ‘Bewitched, Bothered, and Belittled.’
TV Review: Galavant 2×01-02
The new (totally unexpected) season of Galavant kicks off with A New Season aka Suck It Cancellation Bear and World’s Best Kiss.
TYF’s 15 Favorite New TV Shows of 2015
When drafting our year-end Best of 2015 lists, we noticed the bigger than usual presence of new television shows. We’re in the middle of the peak TV era, where there is so much to choose from and it all caters to…