Director Zoe Lister Jones has an enigmatic film on her hands with Band Aid, a comedy-drama hybrid that utilizes music in an inspired way. While the plot on first glance is familiar, studying the arrested development of a couple in…
Queens of the Stone Age Return With “The Way You Used to Do”
Time to go with the flow again, and just in time for the summer! Queens of the Stone Age have returned with a new single, “The Way You Used to Do,” their first in three years and the first from their…
The Film Canon: Spider-Man 2 (2004)
What a world of difference there is between the superhero blockbuster of today and the superhero blockbuster of 2004. What a vast, vast world of difference. Consider some of the best superhero films of recent memory – Logan, Guardians of…
Orphan Black 5×01 Review: “The Few Who Dare”
The beginning of the end is here, Clone Club. What started as the story of one British punk-rocker watching a genetic identical commit suicide has now evolved into a thrilling trip that has spanned five years. Orphan Black’s fifth and…
Movie Review: Camera Obscura
Before you ask, yes, Aaron B. Koontz’s Camera Obscura has distinct similarities to the forty-sixth episode of The Twilight Zone, “A Most Unusual Camera.” Both follow characters who stumble upon mysterious cameras whose photos predict the future. In the Twilight…
From the Record Crate: Paramore – “Riot!” (2007)
You couldn’t get too far in the mid-2000s without experiencing the dulcet tones of emo pop. Characterized by catchy, hook-filled choruses and a special sort of angst, the rise of emo pop put popular male-dominated acts like Fall Out Boy,…
The Best Tom Cruise Performances Ranked
As you all may very well know at this point, The Mummy premiered this past Friday and the reactions have been lukewarm at best to downright furious regarding it’s handling of female characters. It’s a rare sore spot in Tom Cruises otherwise…