The Worlds End was one of those movies that had me in constant facial contortions. One moment I was splitting my face in two with a toothy grin, the next it was agape, my hands covering it in empathetic panic over…
TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 2×02, “Mumbai Sky Tower”
Two nights of Preacher in a row has proven to be a very good thing, as this second season is showing to have a lot of confidence increasing the pace while making the characters work. “Mumbai Sky Tower” picks up…
Getting An Extra Life: A Retrospective of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
We’re taking a look at what has made each of Edgar Wright’s films great in lead up to the release of Baby Driver. Edgar Wright hit a certain level of mainstream success in a wonderful overlap with my own ability…
TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 2×01, “On the Road”
Preacher has returned, and it’s kicking things off with a two-night season premiere, so apologies if this is a shorter review that expected. I mainly say that because “On the Road” may do a fine job of setting up what’s…
Hot Fuzz: For The Love Of Action
We’re taking a look at what has made each of Edgar Wright’s films great in lead up to the release of Baby Driver. In the long run, it makes sense that Edgar Wright would do an action film. Considering the…
Dark Matter 3×04 Review: “All The Time In The World”
Three gets stuck in his own version of Groundhog Day. This episode was very well done, showcasing Three’s frustration as he tried to continually convince everyone that he was stuck in a time loop. It was also funny because the…