Dark Matter 3×05 Review: “Give It Up, Princess”

Adrian leads the crew on what seemed like a wild goose chase. Luckily for the crew, the data file was retrieved along with an encryption key. The only issue being that the fleet of ships is gone ahead of schedule.…

Retro-Graded Games: Star Fox 64

Lost in the exciting news this past week that the world would finally see Star Fox 2 was the realization that this week is also the twentieth anniversary of what is arguably the best game in the franchise, Star Fox…

Sense8 and the virtue of hope

Sense8 is and was a beautiful show because it understood that there something we all so desperately wanted to see on our screens: hope. It was a show that, by design, this critic was always going to gravitate towards as a…

Season Review: American Gods is unlike anything else on television

There is quite a lot to wrap your head around when first watching Bryan Fuller’s adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods. Disinterested in telling a purely linear tale as the Starz series weaves around conventional storytelling structure to instead take introduce…

Interview: Jade Hassouné of Shadowhunters

If you love the world of Shadowhunters, or enjoy the music in That’s My DJ (or both), then you know about Jade Hassouné. Jade plays the Seelie knight, Meliorn on Shadowhunters and Sam on That’s My DJ. I got a…

Orphan Black 5×03 Review: “Beneath Her Heart”

There has finally been justice for Alison. It took long enough to get here. I wasn’t sure if we would ever see the day, but it finally came in the third episode of the last season. After everything that has…

Movie Review: Pop Aye

“You don’t look like the type who’d be traveling with an elephant,” says a sympathetic stranger in the opening scene of Pop Aye (not to be confused with Robert Altman’s 1980 failed attempt to pay tribute to a beloved cartoon…