Disney’s live action Aladdin finds its leads

After a troubling report earlier in the week about Disney having trouble finding their leads for their upcoming live action adaptation of the animated Aladdin, our concerns have been laid to rest with the new casting news from the D23 Expo. It’s…

Movie Review: Chasing Coral

Many people, regardless of where they stand on the issue, are apt to roll their eyes a bit when they hear a new global warming documentary is set to be released. The public opinion has shifted significantly since 2006’s An…

The Best Movie Trilogies

Having only just been officially released in theaters, Matt Reeve’s War for the Planet of the Apes is already being heralded as being one of the best endings to any trilogies. With that in mind, we decided to look back at what…

Orphan Black 5×05 Review: “Ease for Idle Millionaires”

Orphan Black loves its mysteries. In fact, this show is built around them, but the best feeling is when they finally reveal the truth about something. (The satisfaction of the truth bomb is everything.) We have gone four and half…

Big Brother 19 Review: “Week #1”

What was going on with this week?! I’ve watched many first weeks on Big Brother and usually I’ve come to expect some common storylines. Most times it is a quiet week with either an annoying houseguest or someone playing too-hard-too-fast being…

Game of Thrones: Why Sansa Stark Deserves the Iron Throne

Perceived as arguably one of the weaker characters at the beginning of Game of Thrones, Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) has come a long way in six seasons. So far that it might take her straight to the Iron Throne. Of…

Movie Review: To the Bone

Eating disorders can be a difficult subject for movies. Problems that mostly pertain to women don’t seem to be taken as seriously in general, and this is an issue most assume has an easy cure. Why don’t they just…you know,…