Big Brother 19 Review: “Week #3”

Paranoia is a dangerous weapon to throw around in Big Brother. A simple rumor can be the axe that ends someone’s chance at the prize. And it makes it even worse when you’re being trapped in a confined house where…

Album Review: Lana Del Rey – “Lust For Life”

Ever since Lana Del Rey first graced the radio airwaves with “Summertime Sadness,” everyone has been hooked by her sultry voice. The irresistible dark mystique of the singer has garnered fans all across the United States as she has explored the…

Veronica Roth’s Twist in Carve the Mark

Veronica Roth clearly has no qualms about venturing off the beaten path. In her Divergent series, she did the unthinkable by breaking rule number one of novel writing: killing off the main character (but we’re not going to go there).…

TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 2×06, “Sokosha”

Following a couple of weeks that put a quieter spin on things, “Sokosha” is here to get Preacher back on track. Make no mistake, I enjoyed the character focus (and moments of visual creativity) featuring in the past couple of…

Wynonna Earp 2×07 Review: “Everybody Knows”

Who’s the baby daddy? It turns out that Doc might not be the father, and it could instead be a Revenant named Jonas. Either way, the baby is going to have some interesting genes. On the other hand, it could…

Dark Matter 3×08 Review: “Hot Chocolate”

With Ryo taking the offensive on the Raza crew, this episode was a nice reminder of the veracity his character possesses. The way he easily took over the ship when he seemed to be beating Two in hand to hand…

Queens Landing Episode 12: Game of Thrones 7×2 “Stormborn”

Welcome back to Queens Landing, an all-girls GAME OF THRONES after show by Hosts Melissa Berne and I live stream our Game of Thrones discussions straight to TYF’s YouTube every Sunday night during the new season. Tonight, we talk about…